Best in slot resto shaman gear 4.1

Shaman: Restoration - Elitist Jerks
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Wiederherstellungs-Schamane Klassenguide – WoW: Mists of Pandaria
Best in slot resto shaman gear 4.1
In unserem Guide erfahrt ihr alles zum Schamanenheiler: Welche Werte und Talente wichtig sind und wie man die Zauber richtig benutzt.
Welcome to the Resto Shaman wiki for the Wrath of the Lich King! This reference guide would not be possible without the tireless efforts of Skyhoof,
Following Jessamy's call this will be a new iteration of the "Cataclysm Raiding and Discussion" thread. As most people I mainly raid one
Shaman: Restoration - Elitist Jerks
Best in slot resto shaman gear 4.1
Best in Slot - Herald of the Titans. Slot-in bei

[Resto] Raiding 4.1 - updating for 4.3.